Recently, I made the decision to try and lose some weight…In all honesty I would be considered morbidly obese, and I realized that I do not want to live my life this way. It’s hard to find clothes that fit, I am constantly getting dirty looks and hearing rude comments and giggles, which upsets me and causes me to think less of myself. When I made this decision, I started doing research to find a great product that I could use in my home, which would encourage me to stick to my goal. I checked out several work out videos, some equipment, and gym memberships, all of which were either too expensive or seemed unappealing. Then I remembered that we received a Kinect for our XBOX 360 for Christmas. So I started browsing through the games for the Kinect. While browsing through and both and I discovered The Biggest Loser
game. This idea sounded promising to me, because I am a huge fan of Allison Sweeney, who stars in my favourite soap Days of our Lives as the devilishly brilliant Sami Brady. I began reading the reviews of the game, and even downloaded the demo. When I did the demo, it was extremely challenging, but I liked it. It kept track of the exercises I was doing well and which ones I needed to work harder on, it also kept track of the calories burned which was brilliant. After completing the demo workout I felt amazing. So I ordered it. When it arrived, I went through the setup, which was great. I had to do a fitness assessment, which determined the level at which I should be working out. Then it performed a full body scan, basically I stood there and the Kinect moved up and down and gathered an image of my body (which wasn’t the most attractive thing I have seen). Then it gathered my measurements from the scan which for the most part were correct, however it did say that my neck was something ridiculous like 517 cm around…but no worries, you can manually adjust the measurements. After completion of the scan and the fitness assessment you select how often you want to work out, I chose 4 days a week, and I have been doing very well so far, although I had to take a small break because I went on holiday to Scotland and when I returned I got very sick, so as soon as I am feeling better I will resume my workouts! I can’t wait. When you complete your first week of working out you have to do your first challenge, which usually involves jogging or squats, and you compete head to head with the other computer contestants, until you either win, or lose and then you have your ‘weigh-in’ and it’s just like the show, Allison Sweeney stands there and tells you to step forward and your little character steps on to the scale (at which point you weigh yourself with your own scale) and then you input your current weight, and it gives you the percentage of weight lost (or gained depending on how your week went). During your workouts your trainers are brilliant, they continuously encourage you and give praise when you’re doing well, and at the end of your workout it tells you what exercises were your best and worst and how many calories you burned during each activity. Over all I would HIGHLY recommend this game if you’re interested in losing weight. I’ll try to keep posting updates as I continue to work on myself, hopefully it will give me the strength to keep going!
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